Love Your Feet This Autumn


With summer over, your feet will likely now be hidden away in socks and boots for the next few months. But now is not the time to neglect regular foot care. So today Dr. Stuart Snyder and Dr. Sara Sharma of Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC are some fall foot care tips to keep your feet healthy and looking good. 

Caring for your feet in the fall might be just as important if not more so than in the summer. Your feet have just survived a hot summer in sandals and flip-flops, and suddenly wrapping them in closed-toe shoes can come at a cost.   

Summer can leave the feet feeling extremely dehydrated, and fall is an important time to refocus on them, to return them to tip-top condition for the autumn and winter months. 

How To Care For Your Feet In The Fall 

Here are some fall foot care tips to keep your feet healthy, strong and attractive through autumn and beyond. 

Take a break from nail polish. In the fall, your nails aren’t always on display like they are in the warmer weather months. The nails can deteriorate from always wearing nail color, so it’s a good time to go polish-free. 

Exfoliate: Rub your feet with a foot file or pumice stone at least once per week, but only on dry skin. When the feet are wet, it masks the area to be treated and the skin becomes rubbery and does not exfoliate so well.  

Treat yourself to warming foot baths. In addition to soothing and relaxing chilly feet, warm foot soaks help diminish stress and can make you look and feel years younger.  

Choose the right fall footwear.  Choose a pair of shoes with a thicker heel - not too flat and not too high - with some straps to provide support. 

Moisturize: Women often notice drier skin on the feet, particularly as they undergo hormonal changes. The skin becomes paper-fine, the fat on the bottom of the foot is lost, the sweat glands become less effective, and the plantar fascia or softer tissues become lax. This is when gait-related skin disorders such as hard skin beside the big toe, on the ball of the feet, or on the heels typically occur. 

You can use these fall foot care tips year-round to ward off aging feet, corns, and calluses that come with aging. If you are dealing with any foot issues, contact the offices of Dr. Stuart Snyder and Dr. Sara Sharma of Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC to schedule an appointment. Call us today us at (301) 762-3338 or book your appointment online.