Three Frequent Foot Issues

Out of all the moving parts found within our bodies, our feet sure do handle a lot of work on a daily basis. This is why nearly one out of three people experience foot and ankle issues that don’t resolve with rest, though less than half of those affected will ever seek medical attention from a foot doctor. Considering that our feet and ankles have 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, and nearly 50 ligaments and tendons, constant use of our feet and ankles can quickly lead to fatigue and injury for one of these several parts.

Sometimes, due to hereditary conditions, a person can be more likely to develop issues in their feet and ankles - a testament to the value of establishing care with a podiatrist. Fighting against the weight of our bodies and the physics of gravity reminds us exactly why it’s beneficial to be aware of what’s happening with your feet. Our Podiatrists at Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC believes that knowing what the most common foot and ankle related issues are can help you detect problems earlier and heal faster:

  1. Corns and calluses: caused by impact and excessive friction, corns and calluses can form on the skin of our feet as a defense mechanism to protect the area that is repeatedly traumatized.

  2. Bunions: as a bunion develops, it forms a bony growth on the outer edge of the big toe bone, leading to a deformity that causes inflammation and pain.

  3. Plantar Fasciitis: caused by various factors, such as overuse, fallen arches, blunt impact, obesity, or heel spurs, the plantar fascia can be damaged and worn down, resulting in aching pain and inflammation that can develop to a chronic condition.

Don’t let the health of your feet and ankles slip out from underneath you! Make your podiatric care a priority by calling us today (301) 762-3338 to make an appointment at our convenient Gaithersburg, MD. office.