Obesity and Toenail Fungal Infections Are Connected

Toenail Fungus gets under your toenail, grows and causes damage. That’s really what you need to know. But if we can go into more detail, it also causes nail discoloration, thickening and a brittle effect. You may be wondering what obesity has to do with this. Well, believe it or not, significant weight gain increases the chances of developing this type of infection since there is a relationship whereby the fungal infection may feed off higher sugar content in the blood. Whether or not you still believe it, there are precautions you should be taking to ensure that you don’t succumb to toenail fungal infections.

Treatment for this condition includes:

  • Use of topical medicated creams or ointments can help to control the infection if you use it in the early stages of the infection.

  • If the infection continues to remerge, then surgical procedures may be necessary to physically remove part or all of the nail bed to get to the source of the infection. A healthy nail can thereafter grow in its place. When a healthy nail still fails to grow into place because it too becomes susceptible to infection, chemicals may be used to ensure that the nail does not grow back. This will minimize infections and prevent any further problems.

Don’t be a victim of toenail fungus. You can contact us at Maple Springs Foot Center, LLC, at our podiatry office in Gaithersburg, MD. Our Foot Doctors will utilize the best techniques for your unique toenail issue to eradicate the infection! So, please make an appointment by calling our office at (301) 762-3338.